Whatever we place attention on is what manifests as consensual reality. When we permit ourselves to be herded like swine to slaughter then verily we meet on the road to Armageddon. Alternatively we can withdraw attention from the black and white dialectic of the devils chequerboard ~ and instead turn our God given light (attention) toward higher dreaming...

Breaking the Dreamspell, the Narrative, and the Lies



The Status Quo

If you have not yet joined, please consider supporting our cause while also benefiting from the many special offerings through our memberships.
Upgrade, downgrade, pause your account or switch
between monthly and annual billing at any time.
The benefits of being a member
Breaking the Dreamspell The truth will set you free Stepping away from the dogma

A membership grants you early access viewing of our Symposium live-stream broadcasts each month, including special live-streams with Sacha and his hand-selected guests, before the videos become free & open source to all (within 12 weeks of broadcast).

The initiative is assembling a pantheon of the world’s leading icons in consciousness, medical-science, quantum-science, archeo-cosmology & theology, forensic analysis, and truth & disclosure in an epochal undertaking: to engender inspirational planetary conversation.

Sean Stone is a poet, filmmaker, media host, author, actor, speaker, truth-seeker and spiritual activist.
Sean Stone
Her latest book recounts her fascinating adventures and provides techniques and exercises to help you connect to the spiritual potential of sex and cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling love life.
Margot Anand
David “Avocado” Wolfe is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity. David is the celebrity spokesperson for America’s #1 selling kitchen appliance: the NUTRiBULLET™.
David Avocado Wolfe
Molecular Biologist , Immunologist, Professor, University College Dublin Prof. Cahill received her degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University in 1994.
Professor Dolores Cahill

How Dave Emery, receives his information?
October 19, 2022How Dave Emery, receives his information? Have you ever wondered how Dave Emery, one of our most prolific speakers, receives his information? Well, we did too, so we asked him! As we suspected, it is a mixture of many things, including rigorous research of ancient texts, hours of connecting dots, and some other surprising and fascinating methods described in this short clip!

The Alphabet of the Human Heart.
October 19, 2022The Alphabet of the Human Heart. During our last LIVE Q&A Zoom for Gold Members, Sacha responded to a question about how he stays heart-present. Please enjoy this clip that shows how inspiring these private Q&As have become. It isn't easy to replicate for a larger group, but we now offer a prerecorded Q&A for all members as the Bonus Segment to Symposiums. So be on the lookout for the following Lazarus Initiative email with a link to our Q&A form.

AGN Special Bulletin Crimes, August 20, 2022
August 21, 2022AGN Special Bulletin Crimes, August 20, 2022 August 20, 2022 Today at 5 pm Central - ARISE! Guerrilla News Presents a Special News Bulletin - shorter last-minute broadcasts we will start doing for breaking news on specific topics.

Bonus Segment #5, ‘The Origins of Now,’ from The Lazarus Initiative’s July Symposium #13
August 3, 2022Bonus Segment #5, ‘The Origins of Now,’ from The Lazarus Initiative’s July Symposium #13

Bonus Segment #4, ‘C@vid Crimes Unmasked,’ from The Lazarus Initiative’s July Symposium #13
August 3, 2022Bonus Segment #4, ‘C@vid Crimes Unmasked,’ from The Lazarus Initiative’s July Symposium #13

End of Times: Christianity & Covidiocy
August 3, 2022End of Times: Christianity & Covidiocy

Kim Kindersley talks to Sacha about TRINITY
June 4, 2022Kim Kindersley talks to Sacha about TRINITY, a remarkable quantum healing solution using Bioresonance Therapy.

Sacha Stone interviewed on The Missing Link
June 4, 2022Sacha Stone interviewed on The Missing Link speaking of the New Earth Bacalar Laguna Sanctuary

Special Broadcast
Exclusive, first access viewing of our uncensored, live-streamed Symposium broadcasts.
Whatever we place attention on is what manifests as consensual reality. When we permit ourselves to be herded like swine to slaughter then verily we meet on the road to Armageddon.
Alternatively we can withdraw attention from the black and white dialectic of the devils chequerboard ~ and instead turn our God given light (attention) toward higher dreaming…
We proudly present our affiliates to our initiative
Recent Testimonials
Discover the truth with testimonies from our own protagonists
"While it may seem that the Lazarus Initiative appears right out of the aethers onto the screen before you, let me tell you it is conjured with great love by a dedicated worldwide team working with Sacha Stone. Many burn a candle throughout the night to make sure you receive as seamless a presentation as possible. When Lazarus is not LIVE they work long hours to bring you the replays, the journals, the outpourings on social media, and much more in a never-ending contribution toward creating this New Earth we all cannot wait to enter.
“I am just simply enthralled by this beautiful initiative.”
“We are all just walking each other home. Even though some have no clue about that and those that choose to not join the ascending cycle, will transmute to a different dimension than us.”
“Just love your work Sacha and team... inspiring us all to live in truth”
“I stand my ground in my true nature, firmly rooted in the soil, with my bare feet. Love humanity. Lots of love to all and thanks for all you do”