Guardians of the Water
Replay now available
Whatever we place attention on is what manifests as consensual reality. When we permit ourselves to be herded like swine to slaughter then verily we meet on the road to Armageddon.
Alternatively we can withdraw attention from the black and white dialectic of the devils chequerboard ~ and instead turn our God given light (attention) toward higher dreaming.
As we learn that the waters of the world (mirroring the waters in our cells) are the carrier of intention, then truly we have hacked the sacred seal.
This is how we unlock Saturnian mind~control and activate free-will. Not only is freedom now within our grasp, along with a limitless capacity to dream art, beauty and consciousness into existence but by the same equation we may now dream war, disease, poverty and ultimately death out of existence as well.
Behold the onset of planetary redemption and our first timorous step towards biological ascension.
Join the worlds most respected ‘conscious water’ scientists Dr Alex Ling and Veda Austin along with NASA rocket scientist Shehnaz Soni and nuclear scientist cum frequency guru Dave Sereda with Sacha Stone.
This is a call-to-action for you to choose where to place your life-force. We invite you to activate the waters of the world into NewEarth Dreaming by becoming a Guardian of the Waters in a pioneering initiative!
Dr Alex Ling will explain how you can participate by having a sample of your own water source (imprinted with your own communication) sent to the Aquan laboratory. Once its unique frequency signature has been analysed and forensically mapped it will be added to a pioneering repository of the world’s waters. This is how we consciously activate morphogenetic upshift.
Arise Homosapiens! ♥️
(Sacha Stone)

What is the Blueprint of Water?
A water blueprint unveils the energetic vibrational frequency patterns and a stunning spectrum of colors. As humans, we have the extraordinary ability to communicate directly with water by rediscovering the ancient language known to our ancestors for millennia. This profound language is intricately stored within the water molecules, revealing itself when a sample is frozen in a Petri dish. Using specialized photographic equipment, we capture this enchanting interaction to create a breathtaking visual representation that we call the water blueprint.