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Symposium XI Saturday May 21, 2022 (Live is now over)
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Symposium Agenda!
SYMPOSIUM XI on Saturday April 21th, 2022
11AM – 4PM PDT // 1PM – 6PM CDT // 2PM – 7PM EDT //

Hybrid Bloodlines and the Agendas
1 pm CDT
Traugott Ickeroth, Dave Emery, Dan Winter, David Sereda, and Shehnaz Son

Morgellons Update
2:30 pm CDT
Elana Freeland, Harald Kautz – Vella, and Kelli Ann Heffernan

Sacred Sexuality Through the Ages
3:30 pm CDT
Dave Emery and Margot Anand with Sacha Stone

Ancestral Songs and the Doctrine of Discovery
4:50 pm CDT
featuring: David Kam, Sheri Lewis, Ivan Lookinghorse and Mesfin Zaid and a tribute to Charlene Walking Bul

ROOTS update -Displaced Iron in the Body and More.
5:50 pm CDT
Sacha Stone, Clayton Thomas, Dr. Christina Rahm, Caroline Mansfield.