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Symposium XL

Wednesday October 30th at 1PM CDT

Our Live Symposium is now over. Thank you for joining us! Members can view the full symposium by clicking below. The FREE BONUS will be avalable in 48 hours!

Symposium Agenda


 Wednesday October 30th at 1PM CDT

BONUS Segment 1 – COUNTDOWN LAUNCH: The NewEarth Sovereignty Academy

Sacha Stone & the NESA Team

Bonus Segment 2 – GOLDEN RATIO: Sourcecode to Free-Energy

Sacha Stone, Charlie Ziese, Jimmy Blanchette, David Sereda and Shehnaz Soni
2PM-3:30PM CDT

Segment 3 – GEO PORTALS: Mysterious Realms and Beings

Freddy Silva
4:00PM-5:000PM CDT

Segment 4 – AKASHIC WISDOM CHRONICLES: How Humanity Won the War Part 2

Sacha Stone, Jane Evershed & Dave Emery
5:00PM-6:00PM CDT

Segment 5 LIFE AFTER DEATH: Tracing the Beloved

Sacha Stone & David Sereda
6:00PM-8:00PM CDT